Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

Ep. 80: What is the "Ho'oponopono Mantra"

The Simply Powerful Mantra:

The core of Ho'oponopono is the simple yet powerful mantra: "I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you."

Each phrase holds significance:

    • I'm sorry: Acknowledges responsibility for any negativity within you that contributes to the issue.
    • Please forgive me: Seeks forgiveness from the Divine Intelligence and yourself for any harmful thoughts or actions.
    • Thank you: Expresses gratitude for the opportunity to heal and learn.
    • I love you: Affirms love for yourself, others, and the Divine Intelligence.

Practice and Benefits:

  • The mantra can be repeated silently or aloud, individually or with others.
  • Regular practice is key, and the focus is on genuine feeling and intention, not just reciting words.
  • Potential benefits include:
    • Increased self-love and forgiveness
    • Reduced stress and negativity
    • Improved relationships
    • Greater inner peace and harmony


Anchor in this Mantra with the powerful essential oils we suggested below. 


Step 1: I am sorry- I am sorry for______

Step 2: Please forgive me- Please forgive me for _______

Step 3: Thank you- Thank you for ________

Step 4: I love you- I love you and I am grateful for you.


Oils to Pair:


Siberian Fir

Citrus Oils like Wild Orange, Tangerine, Bergamot


Here are the links for the books that were mentioned Zero Limits by Joe Vitale https://amzn.to/48u8BBg

At Zero by Joe Vitale https://amzn.to/49EUGcH

*Yes I (Sarah) do receive a small commission on the items purchased using these links


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Welcome to The Essential Oil Scoop Podcast. We want to remind our listeners that the information provided in this podcast is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The use of essential oils is a personal choice and should be done at your own risk. We are not medical professionals and cannot diagnose, treat, or prescribe any medical condition. Please consult with a qualified healthcare provider before using any essential oils or making changes to your healthcare routine. Any information or opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of any particular organization. Thank you for listening.




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